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2022: Our Favorite Things!

Another year has gone by, and with it, a chance to fall in love with some brand new items we've added to our list of Favorite Things! Whether you're looking for some fresh ideas for new equipment, branded swimwear, much-needed accessories or a brand new microphone, these are the items the S'WET SQUAD loved using this year!

Bietrun Wireless Microphone

Why We Love It:


The Body Buoy

Why We Love It:


HydroRevolution Resistance Bands

Why We Love It:


Sprint Aquatics Noodle

Why We Love It:


TriSwim Shampoo

Why We Love It:


Yes! Fitness Music

Why We Love It:


SwimandSweat's Aquamore Shoes

Why We Love It:


Aqua Ohm

Why We Love It:



Why We Love It:


Dolfin Custom Swimwear

Why We Love It:


Aqua Combat Gloves

Why We Love It:


Continuing Education via Conferences!

Why We Love It:





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