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8 Great S'WET Moves AquaStrength Bar

One of our favorite new pieces of equipment to include in our S'WET circuits these days is AquaStrength's Barbell.

The light-weight, unique design allows for a multitude of exercises focusing on flexibility, upper body, core strength, coordination, balance, rotary stability, power, agility and endurance!

Here are 8 Great S'WET Exercises using just the barbell and the power of multi-directional resistance in the water:

We like to incorporate some of these moves in our S'WET Boot Camp circuits. Try three rounds of each exercise in intervals of 15-seconds, 30-seconds and then really challenge yourself for a whole minute!

Questions about how the bell works or interested in buying one for your workouts? Contact us through our Facebook page for additional details!​


And check out some of the DVD's we made in partnership with FitMotivation.

Their users got a first hand look at our two most popular workshops -- S'WET Boot Camp & S'WET Deep Water! Now you can bring the workout to your laptop computer with our digital downloads!



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